Sunday, January 22, 2012


So with all this free time on my hands ive had so time to make 3 new hemp necklaces one for me one for jeff and a random one that i think im going to give to kelly. the glass bead i used was from nicole, (adams gf from bristol). i also just got old wooden beads that my mom bought for me when i was a hippy for halloween in 1995.i just made 3 new hemp bracelets with those!and  im almost done with a pair of slipper for ryan! they are my first pair ever and they are coming out really cute. i wish i didnt have to use this tan and pink yarn but ive run out of all the other thick colors i have. other wise the colors are organic and they are brown, green and purple! i wish they were my own! im getting a mind set back for sewing and im coming up with all different ideas for skirts and tops this year. the newest thing im brainstorming is a suede triangle halter top. that ties around the back. and i want a matching skirt too but that will be much harder to explain then the top. but i do want it to be suede, layered and strappy!

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