Sunday, January 15, 2012

changing of the seasons

 so, Ive made my final decision today and talked to shamby about ending love song clothing together. as much as i love the idea i think our minds are just in 2 different places for the site. i wanted it to help make money and shamby was using it more for a project. it sounded like it would work well at first but it just seemed to get harder and harder. I would like to learn to work my own website any way. i was very interested already in running the site myself. and want to learn how to. i like the art of taking all the pictures and photoshopping them. i like to design web pages. i dont think it will be much different then using a blog. i think i will have problems with the finer legal things. but all at the same time i think it will flow like water. once i get the power in my hands to make things happen with the motivation of already having a website in my name it will come easy.

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