Monday, February 11, 2013

building a website

 So, I'm trying to figure out how to build my own website. This is taking me forever and it's really becoming a pain in the neck. Literally! My neck is killing me from sitting at the computer for so long. I'm not getting anything done either!! ugghh so its not a problem of not being able to use the site itself. It's when I start adding my pictures it starts to look like crap.I spent the last 2 hours all over the place, I tried to move any photo of my clothing into one folder but as i did it kept asking if i wanted to replace it and i said yes. so i didnt realize it was replacing all the photos in the new folder. now i have to go through 6 months of pictures and check which ones made it into the final folder. What a pain! I tried taking notes and learning about starting a online business more but got 2 half sentences out of the 10 minute lecture. Lame!!! I  did come up with some good promotional catch lines and phrases that will lure people into my store if brought to my page.