Tuesday, September 27, 2011

sweater time!

what a great time of year! its going to be in the 60s for a high for the first time on saturday. and i just finished my first sweater and it came out ok. i think it will look better once it relaxes a little bit. im going to charge 70 bucks for it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


   there are so many new things im working on. i saw this great idea the other day. there was a girl sitting outside the black sheep with a crochet cozie around her glass mason jar that she used as a coffee mug. this will sell great! with all the college kids trying to re use everything its a great market!it would be fantastic if nick would let me sell them at the deli but idk if he would be down with that.so besides the cozzies  im making a really neat sweater(my first one), a scarf (that im not completely satisfied with),just finished the hat for ryan and just finished a pair of gloves! my friend ruby just bought the white shirt off me! which is so awesome! and a bunch of the girls from my work said they were going to check out the site.so far for the fall line i have...
  1.purple shawl  
  2.brown scarf
  3.olive gloves
  4. Ryan's hat
things im working on are:
  1. maroon sweater
  2.ryan's vest
  3.new scarf
  4.head wrap
  and i guess thats it for now. but i got a lot of ideas in my head i hope i get them out before i burn out and i hope they come out to the design i picture in my head. lately i have been so proud of the stuff i make so ryan and i talked about me taking some classes to perfect my art. which i think is a great idea. for a while i felt really good and i felt confidence but now its faded and im trying to rebuild the different ideas and way and thing that im learning to help my stuff apply to every one so everyone can buy it if they want to.

Friday, September 16, 2011


i feel like my inspiration with my web site has come to a hault. i want to get better pictures up on the site because i feel like a lot of people dont want to buy stuff because the pictures arnt flattering thats for sure. and im definetly unhappy with the way a lot of the shirts came out and my drive to fix them comes as quickly as it goes.my sewing ability isnt as keen as it was a few years ago. i feel as if i dont have a lot of time right now any way even if i wanted to fix them. i always feel like, this is a hobby, i have to do this other thing instead.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

the fall line is coming out soon. i cant wait. i made a trip to webs today to get some really awesome new yarn but they were closed. so im thinking fall... fingerless gloves, scarfs shawls, hood woth or with out hoods, and neck wraps for sure! hats were never my strong point so im going to try to stay clear on those.
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Wednesday, September 7, 2011


i sold the red neck wrap!! it sold for 20 bucks!!! although i was so sad to see it go it was my favorite so i can totally see why some one else would want it too. a lot of the girls at my work like my stuff and now its that time a year again everyone is asking about my stuff! my next mission is more neck wraps!!! god i still need to finish everything i made over the summer!! ekkkk!!!.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


i ran out of steam for a while there!!! i think i put way too much hard work into this project and i pushed myself away. i havent crocheted in like 2 weeks!!! ive been wanting to do so many other things instead of crocheting or fixing shirts i already put mad time into. but then i was looking at some of my photos from the shoot and it inspired me to fix the shirts again. i just see so much potental in them.